Serving the San Antonio Art Community since 1948!
"One Stop Shop For Your Creative Mind"
With over 37 years of pinstriping experience, Todd Hanson's" Pinstriping Instruction & Designs" is an 8 1/2" x 11" 79 pages, all color photo book. It offers 12 pages of instruction, focusing heavily on building designs, how to position the brush for long lines, curves and general use, the proper use of color, & also a step by step example.The design section offers 111 hand painted designs to choose from and practice duplicating.The photo section features over 75 finished pinstriping jobs on hot rods, trucks, cars, semi trucks, motorcycles, panels, oil tanks and gas pumps. The book features notebook style binding for easy viewing while practicing. If you want to learn, it's a must-have.
Pinstriping Masters II: More Techniques, Tricks & Special F/X for Laying Down the Line is the long awaited sequel to Pinstriping Masters, featuring 25 top pinstriping professionals, each offering step-by-step instruction and super tricks and techniques of the trade. As an added bonus, the gallery section of each artist has been expanded. Once again, you’ll be amazed at the collection of incredible talent assembled in one book: Andy Anderson, Gary Berg, Jim Bradley, Joe Broxter, Steve Cox, Lyle Fisk, Alton Gillespie, Cary Greenwood, John Hannukaine, Rick Harris, David Hightower, Art Himsl, Bob Iverson, Gary Jenson, Don King, Keith Knecht, Gary Kupfer, Rody Kuschnereit, Rod Powell, Blaine Scott, Jeff Scozzaro, Jeff Styles, Joe Sulpy, Dale Weber, and Clay White
by Ed Roth
Travel back into the 50's with a pioneer of pinstriping, Ed Roth.
His insights and instructions will give you much of what you need to know about being a pinstriper of the year 2000 and beyond! Lots of anecdotes and info from a great artist in the field of automotive art.
by Ed Roth
Companion book to "Pinstriping" by ROTH, this work continues Ed Roth's discussion of the pinstriping business, the source of his design ideas, and the truth about camel hair brushes (hint: they aren't really made from the hair of camels). In addition to the discussion on designing, the book is filled with anecdotes and insights from a great artist in the field of automotive art.